Your Life River Trilogy

The Life River is a process of mapping your experiences and memories, trusting that the ones that you choose to draw on the paper are perfect for the process.
Then you are able to look back over your river with an eagle eye view extracting the nectar and identifying your strengths, gifts, patterns and lessons learned.
What will The Life River give to me?
It will give you the benefit of hindsight!
It will also let you break free of the shackles of the stories lodged in your subconscious and leave you with the lightness of the essence of you.
In undertaking the Life River you will discover that your trials, tribulations and memories all highlight strengths, patterns, gifts and golden threads, which will bring you clarity and freedom going forward.
So good to unveil the magnificence in a being. When we recognise the uniqueness and gifts we bring to the world we have the confidence to be the best we can be in all that we do and are. The image below is Lucy’s oracle that she created during our session.
I started working with Jan about 6 weeks into this lockdown. Everything felt quite overwhelming and I was confused and anxious about taking the next right step, even for simple things like choosing my breakfast. Using Jan’s skills and compassion along with The Life River process enabled me to find my centre again. I was supported to look back over my life, to accept and celebrate everything which had gone before and build on my strengths to direct me in the future. Immediately I realised why nurturing a spiritual connection is so vital, as this allows me to feel fulfilled and whole. Jan opened me to possibilities which I’d not considered and nurtured a renewed sense of self belief, so important in these challenging times. I even found the process of doing it virtually (rather than face-to-face, which would generally be my preferred option) very helpful as it enabled me to set aside some important personal space in my own home to honour my journey and my life.
Jan took me through the life river after several months of hugely beneficial counselling. I found it a very eye opening but also calming process carefully supported by jan throughout. I find myself returning to my box of words for inspiration on a regular basis especially when the day or the time seems in any way stressful. I would thoroughly recommend the experience which had positivity weaved all the way through it thanks to Jan.
As people have undertaken the Life River Journey have had experience of operating daily from a perspective of their strengths, gifts and talents, they may find that, after a while, their priorities alter in line with their true essence. This can result in a opening of many possibilities going forward and lead to a crossroads and a re-evaluation of their life direction. I have developed the River to the Ocean to support this process, to consolidate and give clarity to the way forward, in line with the uniqueness of the individual.
The purpose of the River to the Ocean is to:
• Reflect on your progress emotionally, physically and spiritually since undertaking your Life River Journey
• Identify the deep core values that underpin your true nature and support you on your Life Journey
• Take forward your gifts, talents, strengths and values into key areas of your life that reflect your uniqueness into the Ocean.
Below is a video and a written testimonial from a client who completed her Life River Journey a year ago, and recently came to complete her River to the Ocean journey.
I revisited Jan a year after completing ‘The River’. We worked together to complete the ‘River to the Ocean’ which I found incredibly enjoyable and powerful. Jan has a wonderful gift for being present, and witness to, and facilitating the process without interrupting the flow of attention and development. She has helped me enormously. The ‘river to the ocean’ helped to consolidate the work I had completed with Jan a year previously. I enjoyed working creatively, drawing and writing and using colour. We explored where I had been emotionally over the past year and what values I now identify as being mine. We also looked at ways that I can bring my values into the way I live day to day. I had never reflected upon myself in this way before, and it has helped me tremendously. I use the gifts and knowledge I have gained from working with Jan, every day. Her approach is gentle and non invasive, yet appropriately guiding and steering. She holds a warm loving space in which I have felt able to do some of my most private and important spiritual and emotional work. I trust that she treats my disclosure with sensitivity and care and I have total faith in her ability to maintain confidentiality and respect. She is a wonderful woman, with a gift for helping others discover their own true nature. I am so grateful to have met her and to have had the opportunity to work with her.
Coming online in 2023! Watch this space